But Abigail knows better, she’s seen him and now she’s worried they he may come back to find what he couldn’t find the first time. Abigail is a feisty gal, but considering the times, she needs help. That's why she turns to Stephan Nolton, the Viscount Ashbury, an extremely attractive aristocrat with some very shady connections. He’s kept away from society to protect himself from a gift that seems more of a curse. Stephan can see the good, bad and ugly auras that others give off. Still, he can’t resist Abigail and soon, the feeling is mutual!
Following these two as they seek to solve the mystery and save Abigail's family from further harm is delightful on two levels. First, the mystery itself, and the close calls that almost cost them both their lives. Second, the growing romance and magnetic attraction between Abigail and Stephan make it hard to put this book down, particularly in the later pages!
As always, Ms. Williams delivers with both plot and wonderful characters. I’d definitely recommend this book for a very fun read for fans of suspenseful romance, and I’m already looking forward to the next installment in this trilogy!