Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What To Read?!?

You know the feeling. You come at last to the end of a wonderful book. The finale is satisfying, but you have that empty feeling...your friends are gone, living happily on in their own alternate universe without you. The only cure is to find a new universe to jump into and join in the fun-but which one? Assuming you're not making your way through a sequel, how do you find a new book to read that's a wonderful as the last?

Sure, sometimes you already have a book in your sites, but what if you've used up your 'must read' list? Where do you go? Of course, asking other readers what they are reading is a good start. If you are on Goodreads you can join one of their many Goodreads Groups of fellow like-minded readers and follow their advice, comments and reviews. One group I particularly follow is the Women and Books group.

Naturally, Goodreads itself offers so many reader reviews of a wide variety of books that can aide in your search. Just visit the site and search your interests. They even host Giveaways-and who doesn't like winning a free book?!

Another resource might be visiting the online book review page for your local newspaper-or any paper whose reviews you appreciate. I find the Wall Street Journal has the most incredibly extensive reviews-it's almost like reading the book itself!

You might also follow a book review blog. I have several I enjoy checking in on, but one of my favorites is Shellyrae Cusbert's Book'd Out. She's a book reviewer and blogger in Australia whose volume is truly prolific! I particularly like her It's Monday, What are You Reading?' posts. She lists what she read last week along with her goals for the coming week.

I hope that gives you some new resources, but I'd love to know where YOU look. I always need a good book to read!


  1. Thank you for recommending Book'd Out Robin, I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Nice post, Robin! It is interesting to hear where people find their next book. I like skimming reviews from my friends on Goodreads and also like to hear what my friends are reading. Thanks for the tip on Book'd Out! I will definitely check them out!
